Saturday, December 29, 2018

Not Even a Card on Valentine's Day

Not Even a Card on Valentine's Day? by jackcrowder

Robin the Boy Wonder is the eager, youthful sidekick of Batman, the Caped Crusader, the vigilante crime-fighting alias of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.  Introduced in 1940 as orphaned acrobat Dick Grayson in the DC comic book series Batman, Robin was played by Burt Ward in the 1966 television series on ABC.

Batgirl is best known as the crime-fighting alias of Barbara Gordon, a librarian and daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon.  After initially appearing as Betty Kane from 1961 to 1964 in the DC comic book series, she was reintroduced in 1967 in both the comic book series and the 1966 television series, with Yvonne Craig as Ms. Gordon.
The picture "Not Even a Card on Valentine's Day" was commissioned from the artist jackcrowder through DeviantART before Valentine's Day 2015.

This picture explores a whimsical rivalry between Burt Ward as Robin and Yvonne Craig as season 3 of the 1966 television series as Batman's sidekicks.  

Over his first two seasons as Robin, Burt Ward was able to gather a large fan following with his youthful enthusiasm, his athletic, acrobatic build, and his colorful, flamboyant costume.  However, in the third season, his screen time and story lines were reduced significantly.  The producers clearly wanted to build up the new sidekick Batgirl, whose shapely athleticism and feminine attractiveness allowed them to distance Batman from the homoerotic overtones associated with Robin.  In terms of building a fan base, the hype and momentum also favored actress Yvonne Craig.

With respect to their characters, Robin continued to be the weak link in the Dynamic Duo, frequently getting into trouble and needing to be rescued by Batman.  In contrast, Batgirl was able to operate somewhat independently, to even rescue the Dynamic Duo on occasion, and to slip away undetected by a frustrated Batman and Robin.  While the Boy Wonder is already prone to making mistakes, due to his youthful enthusiasm and overconfidence, he shows a particular weakness against female opponents, frequently underestimating them and falling victim to their traps.

Robin is clearly the velcro sidekick.  In a battle of wits with the Boy Wonder, Batgirl wins.

This picture is fan art and is intended to promote the appreciation of Burt Ward's portrayal of Robin in the 1966 television series "Batman".  This is an original scene and did not appear in the movie, the television series, or any other derivative material.

Previous picture:  Woo We Going To Make You Squeal
Next picture:  Kato and Robin
Sequel:  You Will Be the Valentine Candy

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