Monday, December 24, 2018

Richard & Emmaline in the Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon Sacrifice
Portrayed by Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins in the 1980 movie, respectively, Emmaline and Richard LeStrange were very attractive adolescents who were clumsily discovering the joys of sex.  However, I was disappointed that, although they were living in a tropical island with hostile natives, neither of them was ever captured and tied up for a human sacrifice.

The picture "Blue Lagoon Sacrifice" was commissioned from the artist bondageincomics through DeviantART in 2014.

This picture is fan art and is intended to promote the appreciation of Christopher Atkins' and Brooke Shields' portrayal of Richard and Emmaline LeStrange in the 1980 movie "The Blue Lagoon".  This is an original scene and did not appear in the movie or any other derivative material.

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