Saturday, December 29, 2018

Introducing Cupid

Cupid by marurenai
Cupid is the classical god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection.  The son of the goddess Venus, his Greek counterpart is named Eros.

Often portrayed with a bow and arrows, he is portrayed here as a slender youth with wings.

The picture "Cupid" was one that I commissioned from the artist Marurenai through DeviantArt in 2015.  

Korak in Chains

Korak in Chains by st00pz (colored drawing)

Korak in Chains by st00pz (sketch)
Korak is the Honorable Jack Clayton, son of English Lord John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke, also known as Tarzan, lord of the jungle.  He is the hero of a 1915/6 magazine serial and 1917 novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs and a 1920 silent movie serial, as well as a character in several other Tarzan stories from 1914 to 1924.  He experienced a revival in 1964 as the star of his own comic book series and as a major character in various Tarzan comic books, pages, and strips from 1966 to 1978.

As depicted in the comic books, pages, and strips, Korak has a lean, athletic physique, broad shoulders and thin waist, almost no clothing, a cute, boyish face, and full, thick hair.  He is also an intelligent, enthusiastic teen-aged boy with excellent natural instincts and a good heart.

Korak strives to emulate the heroics of his legendary father but lacks his strength, maturity and experience.  Therefore, he is more likely to enter into dangerous situations and more vulnerable to being defeated.

The picture "Korak in Chains by st00pz" was commissioned from an artist through DeviantART in 2015.

This picture is fan art and intended to raise interest in and appreciation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs character Korak.  This is an original scene and did not appear in any comic book, page, or strip.

Next blog:  Wonder Woman and Korak (st00pz)
Also see:  Introducing Korak

Teen Lifeguard vs. the Bully

Teen Lifeguard.  Bully by GonZZoArt
Teen Lifeguard.  Kick by GonZZoArt
Teen Lifeguard.  Camel Clutch by GonZZoArt
Teen Lifeguard.  More Pain by GonZZoArt

Teen Lifeguard.  I Can Break Your Arm by GonZZoArt
Teen Lifeguard.  Time To Sleep by GonZZoArt
Teen Lifeguard.  Bridal Carry by GonZZoArt

Teen Lifeguard.  Who Is Next? by GonZZoArt 
Teen lifeguard Victor is an original character whom I share with the artist GonZZoArt at DeviantART.

It appears that the bully's girlfriend told him that she is attracted to Victor.  Sensing his masculinity in danger, the bully reassures himself by beating up the cute lifeguard.

The 8-picture series was commissioned from GonZZoArt through DeviantArt in 2015.  

Previous picture:  Introducing Victor
Next blog:  Teen Lifeguard and the Village People

Not Even a Card on Valentine's Day

Not Even a Card on Valentine's Day? by jackcrowder

Robin the Boy Wonder is the eager, youthful sidekick of Batman, the Caped Crusader, the vigilante crime-fighting alias of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.  Introduced in 1940 as orphaned acrobat Dick Grayson in the DC comic book series Batman, Robin was played by Burt Ward in the 1966 television series on ABC.

Batgirl is best known as the crime-fighting alias of Barbara Gordon, a librarian and daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon.  After initially appearing as Betty Kane from 1961 to 1964 in the DC comic book series, she was reintroduced in 1967 in both the comic book series and the 1966 television series, with Yvonne Craig as Ms. Gordon.
The picture "Not Even a Card on Valentine's Day" was commissioned from the artist jackcrowder through DeviantART before Valentine's Day 2015.

This picture explores a whimsical rivalry between Burt Ward as Robin and Yvonne Craig as season 3 of the 1966 television series as Batman's sidekicks.  

Over his first two seasons as Robin, Burt Ward was able to gather a large fan following with his youthful enthusiasm, his athletic, acrobatic build, and his colorful, flamboyant costume.  However, in the third season, his screen time and story lines were reduced significantly.  The producers clearly wanted to build up the new sidekick Batgirl, whose shapely athleticism and feminine attractiveness allowed them to distance Batman from the homoerotic overtones associated with Robin.  In terms of building a fan base, the hype and momentum also favored actress Yvonne Craig.

With respect to their characters, Robin continued to be the weak link in the Dynamic Duo, frequently getting into trouble and needing to be rescued by Batman.  In contrast, Batgirl was able to operate somewhat independently, to even rescue the Dynamic Duo on occasion, and to slip away undetected by a frustrated Batman and Robin.  While the Boy Wonder is already prone to making mistakes, due to his youthful enthusiasm and overconfidence, he shows a particular weakness against female opponents, frequently underestimating them and falling victim to their traps.

Robin is clearly the velcro sidekick.  In a battle of wits with the Boy Wonder, Batgirl wins.

This picture is fan art and is intended to promote the appreciation of Burt Ward's portrayal of Robin in the 1966 television series "Batman".  This is an original scene and did not appear in the movie, the television series, or any other derivative material.

Previous picture:  Woo We Going To Make You Squeal
Next picture:  Kato and Robin
Sequel:  You Will Be the Valentine Candy

Introducing Victor

Teen Lifeguard by GonZZoArt
Victor is an original character whom I share with the artist GonZZoArt at DeviantART.  He is a teen lifeguard.

Victor has clean-cut, light brown hair, a cute, boyish face, and a slender, athletic build.

The picture "Teen Lifeguard" was commissioned from GonZZoArt in 2015.

Next blog:  Teen Lifeguard vs. the Bully

Angel in a Cage

Angel-boy the Prisoner by GonZZoArt
The angel Alair is an original character whom I share with the artist GonZZoArt at DeviantART.

After being defeated by the demon Krios in "Angel vs. Demon (GonZZoArt)", cute, little Alair is imprisoned for saving a dying girl and denying the underworld a soul.

This picture "Angel-boy the Prisoner" was commissioned from GonZZoArt through DeviantART in 2015.

Next blog:  Angel in Hell

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Dorno and Sarko the Arkman

Dorno and Sarko the Arkman by Bowen12a 
Sarko (to Dorno):  The animals I can use, but, for you, son of Zandor, I have no use, except to control Zandor.

Dorno and Sarko the Arkman behind-the-scenes by Bowen12a
Dorno is the son of Zandor, leader of the Herculoids, and his wife Tara, a family of three humans and their five very powerful pet creatures defending their jungle planet.  The Herculoids were the subjects of an American animated television series, which debuted in 1967 and was revived in 1981 on CBS and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions.

Due to his youth and his lack of special powers, Dorno is certainly one of the most vulnerable members of the Herculoids and is frequently a weak link which their opponents seek to target.  I imagined what might happen if the Herculoids had not rescued the boy in certain episodes.

The 2-picture series "Dorno and Sarko the Arkman by Bowen12a" was one that I commissioned from an artist through DeviantART in 2015.  

These pictures were inspired by the episode "Sarko the Arkman".  While attempting to rescue Igoo, Dorno, Tundro, and Gleep fall into a trap pit and are imprisoned in a capsule, from which Gleep is able to escape.  The remaining threesome are flown back to the Arkman's home planet, where Sarko declares that he has no use for Dorno, except as a hostage.

Imagining that the Herculoids' rescue attempt had failed, I pictured Sarko finding some experiment to conduct on the shirtless pretty boy after all.  

Will Dorno's soft, warm flesh be spared from Sarko's cold, sharp scalpel?

The behind-the-scenes picture depicts Sarko tickling Dorno.

This picture is fan art and intended to raise interest in the Herculoids and Dorno.  These are original scenes and did not appear in the series or in any other derivative media.

Woo We Going To Make You Squeal

Woo we going to make you squeal by jackcrowder
Robin the Boy Wonder is the eager, youthful sidekick of Batman, the Caped Crusader, the vigilante crime-fighting alias of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.  Introduced in 1940 as orphaned acrobat Dick Grayson in the DC comic book series Batman, Robin was played by Burt Ward in the 1966 television series on ABC.

Due to his youth, inexperience, and smaller size, the Boy Wonder is clearly the weak link in the Dynamic Duo, which their opponents often seek to exploit.  Robin is also cocky, enthusiastic, and overly eager to prove his independent crime-fighting abilities, especially to Batman.  He is often in trouble and in need of rescue.  

The picture "Woo We Going To Make You Squeal" was commissioned from the artist jackcrowder through DeviantART in 2015.

This picture was inspired by the episode "The Greatest Mother of Them All", featuring Ma Parker and her brood of delinquent children.  The cute, cocky, colorful, crime-fighting sidekick of the legendary Batman, Gotham City's Boy Wonder, looked so helpless and humiliated, needing to be rescued from visiting, small-town criminal Pretty Boy Parker.

This picture is fan art and is intended to promote the appreciation of Burt Ward's portrayal of Robin in the 1966 television series "Batman".  This is an original scene and did not appear in the movie, the television series, or any other derivative material.

Previous picture:  Nothing Personal Birdy
Next picture:  Not Even a Card on Valentine's Day

Dorno and Tara in the Pit

Dorno and Tara in the Pit by bondageincomics
Dorno and his mother Tara are members of the Herculoids, a family of three humans and their five very powerful pet creatures defending their jungle planet.  The Herculoids were the subjects of an American animated television series, which debuted in 1967 and was revived in 1981 on CBS and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions.

Due to his youth, her femininity, and their lack of special powers, Dorno and Tara are certainly the most vulnerable members of the Herculoids and are frequently a weak link which their opponents seek to target.  They were often in trouble and in need of rescue.  

The picture "Dorno and Tara in the Pit by bondageincomics" was one that I commissioned from an artist through DeviantART in 2015.  

This picture was inspired by the 1842 Edgar Allan Poe story "The Pit and the Pendulum".  In this picture, shirtless pretty boy Dorno assumes the role of young sidekick in distress, and Tara is powerless to prevent her beautiful son from being split in two.

This picture is fan art and intended to raise interest in the Herculoids and Dorno.  This is an original scene and did not appear in the series or in any other derivative media.

Previous picture:  Dorno and Tara (bondageincomics)
Next picture:  Dorno and Tara in a Sawmill

Nothing Personal Birdy

Nothing personal birdy by jackcrowder
Robin the Boy Wonder is the eager, youthful sidekick of Batman, the Caped Crusader, the vigilante crime-fighting alias of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.  Introduced in 1940 as orphaned acrobat Dick Grayson in the DC comic book series Batman, Robin was played by Burt Ward in the 1966 television series on ABC.

As depicted by Burt Ward, Robin has an athletic acrobat's build, fitting nicely into his colorful, flamboyant costume, with its bright red tunic, its shiny, satin yellow cape, its green, form-fitting shorts, and its flesh-colored tights.  His cute, boyish face is only barely obscured by a thin mask.

Due to his youth, inexperience, and smaller size, the Boy Wonder is clearly the weak link in the Dynamic Duo, which their opponents often seek to exploit.  Robin is also cocky, enthusiastic, and overly eager to prove his independent crime-fighting abilities, especially to Batman.  He is often in trouble and in need of rescue. 

The picture "Nothing Personal Birdy" was commissioned from the artist jackcrowder through DeviantART in 2015.  

While the Dynamic Duo were successful in fighting crime in fictional Gotham City, I was wondering how successful the cute, cocky, colorful sidekick of the legendary Batman would be against real criminals.

This picture is fan art and is intended to promote the appreciation of Burt Ward's portrayal of Robin in the 1966 television series "Batman".  This is an original scene and did not appear in the movie, the television series, or any other derivative material.

Next picture:  Woo We Going To Make You Squeal

Monday, December 24, 2018

Sibling Rivalry in Flipper

Sibling Rivalry by bondageincomcs
Sandy and Bud Ricks are the sons of Porter Ricks, chief ranger at Coral Key Park and Marine Reserve.  They were both characters in a 1964 television seriesproduced by Ivan Tors Production, about their adventures with their bottle-nose dolphin Flipper.

In the 1964 seriesSandy's and Bud's job was to appear to translate for the dolphin and to get into trouble so that the animal star could rescue them.  The series lasted three seasons.  However, I would have preferred more episodes with Sandy in trouble.

The picture "Sibling Rivalry by bondageincomics" was commissioned from an artist through DeviantART in 2014.  

This picture explores a whimsical rivalry between Luke Halpin as Sandy and Tommy Norden as Bud.

As Sandy, Halpin attracted a fan following with his tanned athletic swimmer's build, his trademark mop of blond hair and model-quality telegenic looks.  However, many episodes revolved around mistakes made by Bud, intentionally or unintentionally, and his need to be rescued from the consequences.

Norden envies Halpin's athletic physique and fan base, while Halpin resents Norden's screen time and story lines.  While Halpin develops a natural, big-brother irritation towards the smaller boy, Norden's initial little-brother idealization of the older actor turns into resentment over his rejection.  

Sandy appears to have every advantage -- classic good looks, intelligence, size, strength, and speed.  However, Bud appears to think unconventionally and be easy to underestimate.  

In this battle of wits, Bud wakes up early while Sandy is still asleep in order to gain an advantage over his athletic, blond, shirtless, and unsuspecting older brother.

This picture is fan art and is intended to promote the appreciation of Luke Halpin's portrayal of Sandy Ricks in the 1964 television series "Flipper".  This is an original scene and did not appear in the movie, the television series, or any other derivative material.

Previous picture:  Sandy RIcks in Dolphin in Pursuit
Next blog:  Sandy and Bud on a Dock


Richard & Emmaline in the Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon Sacrifice
Portrayed by Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins in the 1980 movie, respectively, Emmaline and Richard LeStrange were very attractive adolescents who were clumsily discovering the joys of sex.  However, I was disappointed that, although they were living in a tropical island with hostile natives, neither of them was ever captured and tied up for a human sacrifice.

The picture "Blue Lagoon Sacrifice" was commissioned from the artist bondageincomics through DeviantART in 2014.

This picture is fan art and is intended to promote the appreciation of Christopher Atkins' and Brooke Shields' portrayal of Richard and Emmaline LeStrange in the 1980 movie "The Blue Lagoon".  This is an original scene and did not appear in the movie or any other derivative material.

Angel vs. Demon (GonZZoArt)

Angel and Demon by GonZZoArt
Krios: You made ​​a big mistake, helping that girl. 
Alair: She would have died! 
Krios: That's none of your business! Now you will know the wrath of hell! 
Alair: I'm not afraid of you and your threats. 
Krios: Brave boy ... But it will not help you,  Let me have her or I'll take you with me to hell where you will experience the most terrible torments. 
Alair: I will not! 
Krios: Then I will crush you!

Angel Boy Fights by GonZZoArt

Angel Boy Fights 2 by GonZZoArt
Angel Boy Fights 3 by GonZZoArt
Angel Boy Fights 4 by GonZZoArt
Angel Boy Fights 5 by GonZZoArt
Angel Boy Fights 6 by GonZZoArt
Krios: You fool! You spent all your magic of light on that girl. You couldn't resist me from the beginning, and it was your mistake. Now, angel boy, I'll drink all your power, all of that you still have!

Angel Boy Burned Wings by GonZZoArt

Angel Boy Defeated by GonZZoArt

Angel Boy Fallen by GonZZoArt
The angel Alair and the demon Krios are original characters whom I share with the artist GonZZoArt at DeviantART.

Using his healing abilities, Alair saves a fatally ill girl from dying.  However, the underworld is a greedy place which demands its fair share of souls.  Krios is sent to punish the cute, little angel for his theft.

The 10-picture series was commissioned from GonZZoArt through DeviantArt in 2014 and 2015.  

Previous picture:  Introducing Alair
Next picture:  Angel in a Cage