Saturday, August 29, 2020

Atreyu and the Cowboy


Atreyu and the Cowboy by bondageincomics

Atreyu and the Cowboy 2 by bondageincomics

Atreyu is a young warrior from the Grassy Plain who must attract the attention of a young reader who has the power to restore Fantastica.  In the German fantasy novel Die unendliche Geschichte or The Neverending Story, he has green skin.  In the 1984 film version, the world is called Fantasia, and he is played by Noah Hathaway without green skin.

The two-picture series "Atreyu and the Cowboy by bondageincomics" was commissioned from the artist through DeviantART in 2020.
While Atreyu experienced many adventures, I was disappointed (1) that none of his nemesis were cowboys and (2) that he was never in bondage.

These pictures are fan art and are intended to promote the appreciation of actor Noah Hathaway.  These are original scenes and did not appear in either movie or other derivative material.

Previous blog: Mimi-siku to the Rescue
Next blog:  Korak in Bondage

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