Saturday, March 14, 2020

Peter Pan and Friends

Peter Pan on the Jolly Rogers by bondageincomics

Peter Pan and Tiger Lily by bondageincomics

Peter Pan, Wendy Darling, and Tinkerbell by bondageincomics

Peter Pan is a boy who spends his eternal childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland.  Introduced in 1902 by Scottish novelist and playwright J.M. Barrie, he stars in a 1904 stage play entitled Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up.  This version is based upon the version played by actor Jeremy Sumpter in the 2003 movie Peter Pan.

The three-picture series "Peter Pan and Friends by bondageincomics" was commissioned from the artist through DeviantART in 2020.
In this series, Peter Pan shares a scene with his nemesis Captain Hook and additional scenes with his allies Tiger Lily and Wendy Darling and Tinkerbell.

These pictures are fan art and are intended to promote the appreciation of actor Jeremy Sumpter as Peter Pan.  These are original scenes and did not appear in the movie or any books, television series, or other derivative material.

Previous blog:  Bomba and the Pirates
Next blog:  Korak Rescues Bomba

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