Saturday, May 4, 2019

Introducing Kevin Mitchell

Kevin Mitchell by 09tuf
Kevin Mitchell is an original character whom I share with the artist 09tuf at DeviantART.  Young, handsome, and athletic, he is the oldest son of legendary professional wrestler and crossover action star Frederick Mitchell and excelled at various sports, including football, wrestling, and baseball, in high school.

Kevin also strives to emulate his famous father.  Certainly, he has become a successful and popular professional wrestler with plenty of television time, good billing, and a large fan following.  With his good looks, he is also ready to cross into movies.

However, Kevin lacks his father's aggressive professional instincts.  Tending to concentrate on his own talents and to avoid taking chances, he has compiled an impressive win-loss record but has rarely fought the big matches and the big-name opponents.  While he has had plenty of movie and television offers, he has not accepted any of them.   

The picture "Kevin Mitchell" was one that I commissioned from 09tuf in 2017.  

Previous blog:  Scott Backstage
Next blog:  Scott the Captive

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