Saturday, January 19, 2019

Michael in Hell 3: Fire and Ice

In Hell Page 2-a by 09tuf

In Hall Page 2-b by 09tuf
The angel Michael is an original character whom I share with the artist 09tuf at DeviantART.  Despite his youthful appearance, Michael is almost ten thousand years old.

The eight-picture series "Michael in Hell" was one that I commissioned from 09tuf through DeviantArt in 2015 in three pages with one additional picture.  

In "Michael in Hell", the cute, little angel Michael is chained to a wall while the demon Marcus plucks feathers from his wings one-by-one.  In "Michael in Hell 2", the demonic minions try to pull the angel's limbs apart, to stone the angel, and to subject the angel to a thousand cuts.

In this blog, Michael will be subjected to fire and ice torture.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, the angel is immortal and will recover from his wounds.  More will be available in "Michael in Hell 4"

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