Saturday, February 24, 2024

Merboy in Shark Attack 2 by roemesquita


Merboy in Shark Attack 4 by roemesquita

Merboy is based upon actor Luke Halpin, who played Sandy Ricks in the 1964 television series Flipper.  I imagine that Halpin, being cute, blond, and athletic, with all-American good looks, would naturally be cast in another aquatic adventure series, like Merboy

In this series, Merboy tries to escape from becoming a meal.

This four-picture series was commissioned from the artist through DeviantART in 2023 and 2024.  A bonus picture is available here.

These pictures are fan art and are intended to promote the appreciation of actor Luke Halpin.  These are original scenes and did not appear in the book series, the movie series, or any other derivative material.

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Merboy in Shark Attack by roemesquita

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