Saturday, February 16, 2019

Panther at Greystoke Ranch

Panther at Greystoke Ranch by jen-and-kris

Panther:  "I admit that your family is better than most ranching families in Africa.  You pay your workers well and see that they are well educated and receive good medical care.  You created a relative paradise where people seem happy and where you can ignore the poverty and misery outside it " 
Panther at Greystoke Ranch 2 by jen-and-kris

Panther:  "You mean well, working with our so-called leaders, building roads, schools, and hospitals, but you are oblivious to the same leaders’ stealing from us, jailing us, and killing us."

Panther at Greystoke Ranch 3 by jen-and-kris

Panther:  "You are the symbol of a hated colonial past.  While you have benefited from that past, you appear to be earnest in your efforts to create a better future for all of us.  It would be unfair to hold you responsible for what others like you have done.  Plus, you are quite a handsome youth."
Panther at Greystoke Ranch 4 by jen-and-kris

Korak:  "Was it a dream?"

Korak is the Honorable Jack Clayton, son of English Lord John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke, also known as Tarzan, lord of the jungle.  He is the hero of a 1915/6 magazine serial and 1917 novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs and a 1920 silent movie serial, as well as a character in several other Tarzan stories from 1914 to 1924.  He experienced a revival in 1964 as the star of his own comic book series and as a major character in various Tarzan comic books, pages, and strips from 1966 to 1978.

Korak strives to emulate the heroics of his legendary father but lacks his strength, maturity and experience.  Therefore, he is more likely to enter into dangerous situations and more vulnerable to being defeated.

Panther is a mysterious ninja who first appears in "Korak and the Panther (jen-and-kris)".  She appears to be quite attracted to the handsome, athletic son of Tarzan.  Or is it the reverse?

This 4-part picture series "Panther at Greystoke Ranch by jen-and-kris" was commissioned from an artist through DeviantART in 2016.  Was Panther really at Greystoke Ranch or was it a dream?  

These pictures are fan art and intended to raise interest in and appreciation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs character Korak.  Panther is a potential ally, competitor, and love interest.  These are original scenes and did not appear in any comic book, page, or strip.

Previous blog:  Everyday Heroics; Korak and the Panther (jen-and-kris)
Next blog:  Korak vs. Mike Machado; Korak vs. the Mahar

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