Saturday, October 28, 2023

Dorno in It by roemesquita


Dorno in It by roemesquita

Dorno in It 2 by roemesquita

Dorno in It 3 by roemesquita

Dorno in It 4 by roemesquita

Dorno in It 5 by roemesquita

Dorno is the son of Zandor, leader of the Herculoids, and his wife Tara, a family of three humans and their five very powerful pet creatures defending their jungle planet.  The Herculoids were the subjects of an American animated television series, which debuted in 1967 and was revived in 1981 on CBS and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions.

With the cancellation of the Herculoids, I am imagining that Dorno's agent is keeping him busy with roles in various horror films.  This one is It with Pennywise the Clown.

The multi-part series "Dorno in It by roemesquita" was one that I commissioned from an artist through DeviantART in 2023.  Five pictures are included here.

These pictures are fan art and primarily intended to raise interest in the Herculoids and Dorno.  These are original scenes and did not appear in any movies, television series or any other derivative media.

Previous blog:  Dorno in Hellraiser Bonus
Next blog:  Dorno in It 2

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Robin in Scream 2 by Ming-GID


Robin in Scream 6 by Ming-GID

Robin in Scream 7 by Ming-GID

Robin in Scream 8 by Ming-GID

Robin in Scream 9 by Ming-GID

Robin in Scream 10 by Ming-GID

Robin the Boy Wonder is the eager, youthful sidekick of Batman, the Caped Crusader, the vigilante crime-fighting alias of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.  Introduced in 1940 as orphaned acrobat Dick Grayson in the DC comic book series Batman, Robin was played by Burt Ward in the 1966 television series on ABC.

Due to his youth, inexperience, and smaller size, the Boy Wonder is clearly the weak link in the Dynamic Duo, which their opponents often seek to exploit.  Robin is also cocky, enthusiastic, and overly eager to prove his independent crime-fighting abilities, especially to Batman.  He is often in trouble and in need of rescue.

In this series, Robin the Boy Wonder enters the world of the horror film Scream with Ghostface.

The series "Robin in Scream by Ming-GID" was commissioned from an artist through DeviantART in 2023.  Five pictures are available here.

These pictures are fan art and intended to raise interest in and appreciation of Burt Ward's portrayal of Robin in the 1966 television series "Batman".  These are original scenes and did not appear in any comic book, page, or strip or in the movie, the television series, or any other derivative material.

Previous blog:  

Robin in Scream by Ming-GID

Korak in a Cage 2 by JarvannIV


Korak in a Cage 2 by JarvannIV

Korak in a Cage 3 by JarvannIV

Korak in a Cage 4 by JarvannIV

Korak in a Cage 5 by JarvannIV

Korak is the Honorable Jack Clayton, son of English Lord John Clayton, Viscount Greystoke, also known as Tarzan, lord of the jungle.  He is the hero of a 1915/6 magazine serial and 1917 novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs and a 1920 silent movie serial, as well as a character in several other Tarzan stories from 1914 to 1924.  He experienced a revival in 1964 as the star of his own comic book series and as a major character in various Tarzan comic books, pages, and strips from 1966 to 1978.

Korak strives to emulate the heroics of his legendary father but lacks his maturity and experience.  Therefore, he is more likely to enter into dangerous situations and more vulnerable to being defeated.

The picture "Korak in a Cage" was commissioned from JarvannIV through DeviantART in 2022.

These pictures are fan art and intended to raise interest in and appreciation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs character Korak.  These are original scenes and did not appear in any comic book, page, or strip.

Previous picture:  Korak in a Cage by JarvannIV

Next blog: Noise Downstairs by JarvannIV

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Robin and the Mad Hatter 2 by 09tuf


Robin and the Mad Hatter 3a by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 3b by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 3c by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 3d by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 3e by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 3f by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 4a by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 4c by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 4d by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 4e by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter 4f by 09tuf

Robin and the Mad Hatter Bonus by 09tuf

Robin the Boy Wonder is the eager, youthful sidekick of Batman, the Caped Crusader, the vigilante crime-fighting alias of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.  Introduced in 1940 as orphaned acrobat Dick Grayson in the DC comic book series Batman, Robin was played by Burt Ward in the 1966 television series on ABC.

This blog is based upon the 1960s Batman television series and the episodes Thirteenth Hat (2/23/1966) & Batman Stands Pat (2/24/1966), which I reviewed in the following link:

In the original episodes, Batman and Robin fight gallantly against Mad Hatter and his gang, but the Boy Wonder carelessly leaves his back exposed to attack.  Robin is temporarily stunned and placed on a conveyor belt designed to skin small, furry animals.  However, Robin is ultimately rescued by Batman.

Later in the episode, the Mad Hatter has Robin by the throat and tries to force the Boy Wonder into a vat of acid.

These are whimsical alternate plot directions for the 1966 Batman television series.

This multi-part series "Robin and the Mad Hatter" was commissioned from 09tuf through DeviantART in 2023.  Eleven scenes in two pages and a bonus picture are available here.  

These pictures are fan art and intended to raise interest in and appreciation of Burt Ward's portrayal of Robin in the 1966 television series "Batman".  These are original scenes and did not appear in any comic book, page, or strip or in the movie, the television series, or any other derivative material.

Previous blog: 

Robin and the Mad Hatter by 09tuf

Next blog:  Robin and the Joker by 09tuf